
This blog is a documentation of my learning throughout EAB023 - Maths exploration through early childhood.

Initially, aspects covered in weeks 1 - 5 were presented through this blog, illustrating the 4 major facets covered: the beginning process, early number sense, computation and multiplication and division. Now, 7 weeks on, the blog has been updated to include content we have covered in the second part of the semester: algebra, geometry and measurement, and statistics and probability.

The main component of this blog if the inclusion of appropriate learning experiences that are likely to support young students mathematical learning. You will also find many links to workshop activities, discussion with peers, recommended and additional readings, online sources and reflections of my learning.

Christopher Miranda

What do you want to take away from EAB023?

I want to gain an understanding of how children begin to learn mathematical concepts, and how these concepts can be developed through the first years of schooling.